Saturday, January 27, 2007

Read all about it

The Wii news channel is up for download today so get it.
It's actually quite good, though bizarre to read about John Kerry, Peodeophiles in Ireland and Michael Jackson's trip to Japan on a Nintendo console.
Also more excitingly Mario Kart 64 is up for download on the Virtual Console.
Star Fox Command on the Ds review tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Greeetings from Austria,
Im on a balcony of a resteraunt sipping "cloudy" beers and typing this on my Nintendo DS (which Takes a long time)/
The internet in germany is mental, it blocks sites with any swearwords and gives you a list of the offending words.
I cant get onto my Bebo page because of the word Ary*n.
Anyways, onwards to drunkenness.

Friday, January 19, 2007


"service" resumes next week.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Virtual Console Friday

Well its about friggin time. After weeks of rubbish NES games and loads of sub standard shooters the virtual console finally got a game worth downloading. Street Fighter 2 the world warrior is available to download today at 800 points.
Also out is Konami's super Probotector.
BONUS: and while im on the topic of street fighter and shitty NES games, check out Street fighter on the NES!.

What happens when you get a hole in one in Wii golf.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wii Review:WarioWare Smooth Moves

Firstly, I'll get the negative stuff out of the way, Smooth Moves is a disappointment.
Compared to the gamecubes Mega Party Game$ the game is seriously lacking in features (not to mention the high pricetag, the gamecube game launched at £20, this one retails at £35). The main single player game can be completed in an hour and theres not much incentive go back to it unless you enjoy the simple pleasures of highscores, not to mention a miniscule six unlockables (More mini games would have been nice too).
But all these glaring niggles are all pished out the window once you get a few friends around and large amounts of alcohol.
Tugboat Willy "in action".
Wario Ware:best enjoyed with booze,and lots of it.
The games main trump card over the previous 'Wares is the level of involment, basically the main enjoyment of the game is seeing the hilarious posing required to play (which is much enhanced in the aformented booze). Finally that well worn copy of Wii Sports can take a rest. Also its good to see the genuinely funny trademark warioware humour revived, the cutscenes are a riot, in particular the tutorial screens for the controller postitions which have a kooky voice-over explaining the actions required (see video below).

Basically a very good game with a few niggles away from multiplayer perfection.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

An update

Not an actual update of sorts, just a bunch of funny videogame junk.
Maybe I should rename this site funny videogame related junk, etc.

Also, this is great

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Turbulence: The games of 2007

I suppose its been a bad time to start my long planned video-games blog,
between working in shoe retail, Partying, college project work, indulging in the festivites and trying to cram some time in with my Wii, I havent had much time to spend (waste?) on blogger this holiday season.
And with out further Twunting around, and end of year/beginning of 2007 lists being all the rage nowadays, I bring you:

Electronic Video Games, Etc's most Anticapated games of 2007 part 1.

WarioWare Smooth Moves Wii.
The various Wario ware games have been a treat, and I cant imagine this being any different,plus its out in like two weeks. Word is topsy turvy didnt make the cut this time though.

StarFox Command Nintendo DS.
This Has Been out for ages in Japan and America but seems to finally be hitting europe on January 26th.
Thers been alot of mixed press reaction to this, but I still think it'll be hot.

No More Hero's Wii

This THE GAME. Im more hyped about this than anything else yet this year.
Originally titled Heros, this is from the cove's who brought us the amazing Killer 7.

Thats it for now cove's, part deux tomorrow.