Firstly, I'll get the negative stuff out of the way, Smooth Moves is a disappointment.
Compared to the gamecubes Mega Party Game$ the game is seriously lacking in features (not to mention the high pricetag, the gamecube game launched at £20, this one retails at £35). The main single player game can be completed in an hour and theres not much incentive go back to it unless you enjoy the simple pleasures of highscores, not to mention a miniscule six unlockables (More mini games would have been nice too).
But all these glaring niggles are all pished out the window once you get a few friends around and large amounts of alcohol.
Tugboat Willy "in action".
The games main trump card over the previous 'Wares is the level of involment, basically the main enjoyment of the game is seeing the hilarious posing required to play (which is much enhanced in the aformented booze). Finally that well worn copy of Wii Sports can take a rest. Also its good to see the genuinely funny trademark warioware humour revived, the cutscenes are a riot, in particular the tutorial screens for the controller postitions which have a kooky voice-over explaining the actions required (see video below).
Basically a very good game with a few niggles away from multiplayer perfection.
really would like to play that sometime Dano.
On the money review Dano.
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