Friday, December 14, 2007

Resident Evil-Umbrella Chronicles & zapper review

Being a huge fan of both the Resident Evil series and arcade style lightgun shooters such as the House of the Dead, Umbrella Chronicles is a game that I have been anticipating for quite a bit. Much of this anticipation was tinged with the fear that the game could potentially be terrible (see capcoms tragic previous resident evil lightgun efforts, dead aim and the complete cack that is Resident Evil survivor), so its great to announce the game is somewhat of a triumph.
Firstly, its long, offering around eight hours gameplay to see it through the main story (which is alot for a genre that can traditionally be rather shallow) add to this the alternative routes through the levels, secret files to unlock and customizable weaponry and the great co-op and you have a game that offers alot of replay value.
The game one of the first to offer support for the Wii zapper, which a welcome addition to the Wii's expansive list of peripheral's. despite nintendo's intentions of ensuring it bears no resemblance to a real gun, its comfortable to use and adds to the gameplay rather than hindering it. The Zapper itself takes a bit of getting used to if switching from remote and nunchuk controls as the button layout is different. Another negative point is the incredibly shoddy clip which holds the nunchuck in place as its easily broken. Though its hard to complain when the zapper itself is bundled with the tremendous Link's crossbow training

Resident Evil: the Umbrella Chronicles: 8/10

Wii Zapper & Crossbow training: 7.5/10

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